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Innrennslisdæluiðnaðurinn er í umbreytingu í átt að snjöllum, flytjanlegum og nákvæmum tækjum. Modern infusion pumps now feature remote monitoring and data transmission capabilities, enabling healthcare providers to oversee patient treatments in real-time and make necessary adjustments remotely. This evolution enhances the efficiency and accuracy of medical services, aligning with the global trend towards intelligent healthcare solutions.

Kínversk fyrirtæki í fararbroddi

Chinese companies have emerged as key players in the infusion pump sector, leveraging technological innovation and strategic international partnerships. Á arabískum heilsu 2025 lögðu nokkur kínversk fyrirtæki fram nýjustu vörur sínar:

●KellyMed, the first manufacturer of infusion pump and syrine pump, feeding pump in China since 1994, this time not only exhibit infususion pump, syringe pump, enteral feeding pump, also exhibit entereal feeding set, infusion set, blood warmer… Attract many customers .

Stefnumótandi samstarf og framtíðarhorfur

Sýningin undirstrikaði mikilvægi alþjóðlegrar samstarfs. Samstarf Yuwell við Inogen sýnir hvernig kínversk fyrirtæki eru að auka alþjóðlegt fótspor sitt með stefnumótandi bandalögum. Such collaborations are anticipated to accelerate the development and adoption of advanced infusion pump technologies, addressing the growing healthcare demands in the Middle East and beyond.

Að lokum, Arabs Health 2025 benti á kraftmikinn vöxt og nýsköpun innan innrennslisdæluiðnaðarins. With technological advancements and strategic partnerships, the sector is well-positioned to meet the evolving needs of global healthcare markets.

Post Time: Feb-17-2025